Monday, September 29, 2014

A Powerful Golf Weight Training Program 

A Powerful Golf Weight Training Program Guaranteed to Increase Your Shot Distance
This golf weight training program has been tailor made to meet the specific demands of the game.
Why is strength training for golfers at every level of the game? In short...
Done properly it will increase you ability to generate power (longer shots) and just as importantly - it will help to counteract the imbalances that are inherent with swinging a club the same way thousands of times each year.
For more details go to the Golf Strength Training article
Before moving on to the golf weight training program below it's important that read the disclaimer. Please don't attempt any exercise program without first seeing a health care professional. While a well-designed strength training program is one of the best ways to prevent golf-related injuries, it's NOT a good remedy is they exist already. In fact it can matters worse - again please take advice from your health care professional.

Golf Weight Training Basics
·   The golf weight training program below is split into 3 phases. Each phase is simply a period of time in which you train in a particular way to achieve a particular objective. The exercises are different in each phase and build on the ones performed previously. Each phase requires only 2 sessions a week commitment.
·   Warming up is essential before a round and there are scientific studies to back this up. It's also important to warm up before each golf weight training session. Perform 5-10 minutes of light aerobic exercise (jogging, stationery bike, cross trainer etc.) and then do some stretches to all the major muscle groups.
·   Some of the exercises below are unique and you may not be familiar with them. It's important to master correct technique and you can only do this by first using very light weights. Spend at least a session of two becoming familiar with the exercises without resistance.
·   It goes without saying that if any of the exercises cause you pain or discomfort you should stop them immediately.
·   Sets and repetitions are indicated below. To make gains in strength you have to overload your muscles above and beyond what they are comfortable with. That means the last few sets should be difficult. If a target of 10 repetitions is set and you can perform 12 with ease, the weight is too light. Similarly, if you can only perform 6-8, the weight is too heavy and you need to decrease the resistance.
·   Each routine below is performed twice per week. But avoid training on back-to-back days. In fact ideally leave at least two days between golf weight training sessions. You should also avoid strength training the day before a competition or important 18 holes.

Phase 1 - Build a Solid Foundation
The off-season (usually winter) when you play no competitions and less golf, is the ideal time to start your golf weight training program. Of course, the timing may not fit and it's better to make a start now than to wait until next year. Remember though, whatever point your are in the year, always start with this phase.
The exercises in this phase of the golf weight training program are more conventional and use moderate weights. At this stage THE most important goal is prepare the body for more demanding sessions later on. It's also a time to address some of the imbalances inherent in many golfers.
The session is set up in as a Circuit. This simply means you perform one set of each exercise in succession with minimal rest between exercises.
Here are the parameters for the circuit training routine that makes up phase 1...
·   Time of Year: Off-season/winter months
·   Phase length: 8 weeks
·   No. sessions: 2 x week
·   No. exercises: 10
·   Resistance: 50% 1 repetition maximum
·   Repetitions: 15-20
·   No. circuits: 2-3
·   Rest between exercises: 30 sec
·   Rest between circuits: 2-3 min
·   Speed of lifts: Smooth and controlled
And here are the exercises...
1. Push-ups x 15-20
2. Alternating Squats with Press x 15
3. Lat Pull Downs (wide grip) x 15
4. Oblique Crunches x 20
5. Dumbbell Lunges x 10 (each leg)
6. Barbell Upright Rows x 15
7. Reverse Flyes x 15
8. Dumbbell Curls x 15
9. Back Extensions on Stability Ball x 20

10.Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls x 15-20

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