Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tonight we will be having............

Steak for tea tonight !

grilled steak potatoes recipe

  • choice rib eyes
  • olive oil
  • seasoning for steak (salt and pepper is fine but we used Weber Chicago Steak)
  • red potatoes or other waxy potatoe
  • olive oil/butter
  • garlic
  • shallots
  • basil
  • Sbarro Italiano seasoning
  • foil for cooking potatoes
  • asparagus spears
  • balsamic vinegar
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper taste
For the most efficient use of time, once the grill is ready I suggest you prep the potatoes and get them on the grill because they take the longest to cook. Then prep the asparagus and have it sitting on the side ready to go so that once your steaks are done and resting all you have to do is prepare the asparagus.

Prepare Potatoes

Cut your potatoes into 3/4 to 1 inch wedges. Make sure that they are all about the same size so that they cook evenly and at the same pace.

Next, slice some shallots and garlic. Place each serving of potatoes inside of it’s own foil and then add a portion of the shallots and garlic. Season to taste.
grill roasted potatoes
Once you are done you should have something that look yummy like this but wait! Don’t eat it yet. We must cook it first.
potatoes garlic shallots grilled foil
The next addition to these potatoes is your choice: butter or olive oil. This will give it a slightly crisp outside and help to steam the potatoes. Chef Sam went with butter.
Once all of the ingredients are inside of the foil wrap that baby up like you are trying to conceal its goodness all for yourself.
Put them on the grill but not over the direct flame. These will cook for about 45 minute to one hour.
grilled potatoes garlic shallots recipe

Next let ‘s get the asparagus ready.

Grilled Asparagus

You will need to cut the tough tips off.
The next thing we are going to do is blanch the asparagus. The blanching technique is used to preserve the flavor, crisp texture, and bright green color of the asparagus. Boil some water on the stove top. Grab a second bowl and fill with ice and water. This is called an ice bath. Once the water on the stove is boiling and the ice bath is ready you can drop your asparagus in the boiling water. Let them boil for about 30 seconds to 1 minute, no more. You don’t want to cook them, just blanch.
After 30-60 seconds pull them from the boiling water and immediately “shock” them by dropping them in the ice bath.
shock ice bath asparagus
Once the asparagus has cooled remove it from the ice bath and pat it dry.
Place the dried asparagus into a dish for marinating. Cover each spear in balsamic vinegar. Add about one tablespoon of olive oil. Let them sit until the steaks are done.

Perfectly Grilled Steaks

First, in order to get the perfect steak you must take it out of its packaging, let it sit out until it is room temperature then pat dry just before seasoning. You can brush the steak with some olive oil (as Chef Sam does) or butter.
howt to cook the perfect steak
Then hit that baby up with some seasoning. Chef Sam likes the Weber Chicago Steak blend. It did taste pretty good but remember a steak that is cooked right is tasty even with only a bit of salt and pepper.
how to season steaks
Now your steaks are ready for grilling. Throw those bad boys on and prepare your taste buds for a party because it won’t be long now!
how to tell if steaks are done
For medium doneness they should cook for 3 minutes, quarter turn, then cook another 3 minutes, flip over, cook another 3 minutes, quarter turn, then finish it off with an additional 3 minutes.  Adjust cooking times for desired doneness. If you are using a meat thermometer (inserted in the thickest part of the meat) it is recommended that the temperature should reach for 125 degrees for medium doneness because the steak will continue to cook as it sits. If you would prefer to not have those juices escape from that tender steak then you can use the steak finger/touch method to tell when it is done. Also keep in mind that time will vary according to the thickness of the steak.
Once the steak has been cooked you can baste it with butter or just let it go naturally. Either way you must let it rest for at least 10 minutes. This way it can reabsorb it’s juices so that you get to enjoy them.
Now it is time to throw those spears of deliciousness that have been marinating on the grill. Put them on the grill and season to taste with salt and pepper. Let them grill for about 2 minutes and roll or flip and cook for 2 more minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
asparagus on grill
Now the meal is coming together. Add some butter to some bread and serve it up!

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