Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Different Types of Soccer Strength Training

Few players get soccer strength training right.
Today's soccer performers must be "complete athletes"...
They have to be quick off the mark and over 10-20 yards. They have to have the upper body strength to resist challenges. They need excellent levels of both aerobic and anaerobic endurance to last the duration.
If you simply lift weights - in much the same way as a bodybuilder - you are doing yourself and your game a great disservice.
Bodybuilders, and athletes whose sports are predominantly strength based, will train to increase size, bulk and maximal strength. They're not too concerned if it's to the detriment of their aerobic endurance levels or even their agility and flexibility.
If all you do is follow the typical 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions all year round, you are far from getting the most from your soccer strength training sessions.
Let's take a closer look why...

In soccer, lower body strength is required for kicking, jumping, tackling, twisting and turning and also forms the foundation for explosive speed.
Upper body strength is required for shielding the ball, holding off opponents, throw-ins and also contributes to overall power and explosiveness.
We can split "strength" into three broader categories...

Absolute or Maximal Strength
Absolute strength is the maximum force that a muscle group can exert in single, momentary contraction. For example, a player who can leg press 250lbs has greater absolute strength than a player who can leg press 200lbs.
In soccer, good maximal strength is beneficial for holding off opponents and shielding the ball. More importantly it also forms the foundation of muscular speed and power.
But there's a caveat..
Maximal strength (usually measured by one repetition max) makes no allowances for time - for example, a weightlifter can spend 30 seconds or more slowly lifting a weight inch by inch.
Not much use to the soccer player.
As a rule of thumb then, maximal strength training serves a greater purpose than just increasing absolute strength...
The end result should be to increase your explosive speed and power.. .

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