Friday, June 6, 2014

Its All About Cardio!

It can cost you a lot of money if you are obese. A study published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that obesity costs are about $147 billion annually. To lose weight, you need to burn calories, and cardio on most days of the week can help you do that.


How much cardio is enough to lose weight depends on your starting point. The goal is to exercise on most days of the week, if not every day. But you don't have to start out exercising seven days a week. Start slowly and you will see progress. Begin with three days a week on nonconsecutive days. Do that for one to two weeks, then add a fourth day. Try that for two weeks then add a fifth day. This will allow your body to get used to exercise, and help you avoid injury while promoting weight loss.

You may know someone who exercises every day but never seems to lose weight. The role of exercise intensity cannot be overlooked. Intensity refers to how hard you are exercising. To lose weight, your intensity during cardio should be moderate to vigorous. An easy way to monitor without any equipment is using the BORG scale of 0 to 20. Very easy exercise would be about a six or seven, moderate intensity is about a 12, vigorous is about a 17 and a 20 is all-out, maximum effort.


Ideally you want to accumulate at least 250 to 420 minutes of cardio each week for significant weight loss, according to Dr. Len Kravitz of the University of New Mexico. But just like the frequency of your workouts, build up to that amount gradually. If you are obese, 10 minutes of cardio may be very challenging. So do 10 minutes, but try to do that two or three times during the day for the first week. The next week try 11 or 12 minutes at a time. Build up so that each session is about 50 to 60 minutes five to seven days a week.

Tips and Considerations

Walking is a great way to get started because it doesn't require any equipment other than a good pair of shoes. If you join a gym, you will have even more options to avoid boredom, challenge your body and avoid a weight loss plateau. Try new things, and don't be afraid to ask for help from a trainer at the club. Aim to lose weight slow and consistent -- about 1 to 2 pounds each week. You can lose the weight if you stick with it.

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